Magma Products
Magma Products is an e-commerce Node application. Features include the ability to purchase products, easily manage orders and product information with automated tools and custom third-party integrations.
I built a custom React CMS for editing product data. Some features include: undo history, rich-text editing with Draft.js, form management with Formik, validations with Yup, and theme switching with styled-components.
I used SASS to construct modular CSS components with the BEM methodology and a sprinkle of atomic styles.
All assets are bundled with Webpack including client-side ES6 to ES5 with polyfills for important features like Promises.
I deployed over 900 products, each with their own set of images, pdf documents and relations to each other. Some products belonged to a single record, as in the case of variant products, and some belonged to many, as in the case of accessories and replacement parts.
Express routes all browser and API requests. This includes RESTful endpoints and integrations with third-party services.
Server render public html documents with pug
Deployed to a secure Nginx server on DigitalOcean
Third Party Integrations
I create a custom cart flows through their public API. I used their REST API to update Magma Products' internal inventory systems.
Shipping Rates
Generate custom shipping rate calculations enabled by Snipcart's shipping Webhook. Requested data from FedEx (XML SOAP API), UPS(JSON API), and USPS(XML API) to generate custom shipping rates.
I built a custom integration between Snipcart and Shipworks to manage the shipment of online orders.